EFLM-Roche Scientific Award for Laboratory Medicine

EFLM-HyTest Cardiac Marker Award for remarkable scientific work in the field of cardiovascular diseases

EFLM-Abbott Diagnostics Award for Excellence in Outcomes Research in Laboratory Medicine

Elas-Forum* Poster Award for EuroMedLab 2017 in Athens

The European Ligand Assay Society Forum (Elas-Forum) award is an annual prize to scientists in clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine for a contribution made to the field of ligand assays.

In occasion of EuroMedLab 2017 in Athens, the award (1.500 euro) will be given to the best poster in endocrinology or oncology (as judged by an independent panel of experts) dedicated to the development or the validation of laboratory ligand assays potentially useful under a clinical point of view.

The Award is addressed to laboratory physicians, biologists, and other personnel working in public or private institutions.

*Elas-Forum is a European association of scientific societies (ELAS Italia – Société Française de Médecine Nucléaire, CORATA, Royal Belgian Society of Laboratory Medicine, Collège National de Biochimie des Hôpitaux) for the development and promotion of scientific research in the field of ligand assays.
More information available soon
New deadline for abstracts submission:

6 November 2016!